Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach (1995)

愛天使伝説 ウェディングピ

英語 Reviews – Wedding Peach

このトピックには アニメ 「 Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach 」についての短いレビューと長いレビューが含まれており、決して一般的な議論をする場ではありません。それぞれの投稿は、あなた自身が書いた独立したレビューでなければなりません。それぞれのレビューは、プロット、キャラクター、個人的な結論など、特定のコアな側面をカバーする必要があります。コメント機能を使えば、既存のレビューに自由にコメントできます。
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  • Handlung
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  • Musik
'Wedding peach' is the unexpected Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill anime among magical girl shows. You can find out why this is the case and why you should watch it here in this review. What is first noticed is the natural similarities with 'Sailor moon'. The mangaka has worked on both entertainment mediums.

That's kind of why Tech N9ne and Corey Taylor's 'Wither' sounds so similar to a song that could be part of Slipknot's discography. Basically, this is a very saccharine take on a genre. All elements are served with the basic theme of marriage. This prepositional object is just as important as the target group itself. In this regard, it's not surprising if you've enjoyed too much visual candy aswell.
On the entertainment spectrum, it may seem like a generic animated series from Japan, but you can have fun with the weird German dub.

Here are two examples.

When the character that is actually Wedding Peach transforms into a Magical Girl -

'Ich bin Wedding Peach, der Engel der Liebe, und ich bin nun ernstlich ein wenig verstimmt.'
'I'm Wedding Peach, the angel of love, and I'm seriously a little upset now.'

'Schade, da wäre ich wirklich zu gerne mitgelaufen, aber sh*t happens nunmal.'
'It's a shame, I would have loved to have catwalked, but sh*t happens.'

And various other things that are said are like honey on the lips and excellent at the same time. You just don't think that such things are said by the characters in this dry way, which makes many moments just more extraodinary in this genre. You shouldn't have too high expectations, because they only spoil the enjoyment you will have.
The story and antagonists are generic and the kitsch is more part of the entertainment than in the tv show 'Kunst und Krämpel'. However, as a viewer, you don't fall asleep watching the anime.

The best temporal event for high enjoyment and pleasure is when watched with friends a famous show named 'Dora the explorer'. With them it becomes a event full of laughter. Those who have younger relatives can recommend them this anime, 'Sailor moon', 'Kamikaze kaito Jeanne', 'Glitter force', etc. if they like Magical girl animes. After that, of course, you can recommend them other animes from different genres if you and them want to. As an introductory anime, this is ideal.

There are hardly any scary moments in the episodes and the anime's story is not too complicated for kids. It doesn't matter whether you really like 'Wedding peach', that you watch it ironically like the film 'The room', don't have anything to watch at the moment and are waiting for new anime that are not yet available in English-speaking areas or are simply curious.
You can watch 'Wedding peach' and be well entertained.

Anyone who buys it for themselves or someone else invests more joy in it than in purchasing 'Diplomatic pouches' or 'Angel money' from King Peter. Wait, you don't know Peter Fitzek? The king of the 'German kingdom'. Be glad that you are not a 'Querdenker'.

This guy is an absolutist person and various other extremely negative things. So stay away from him and his conspiracy theories. But hey, now you know the Magical girl anime 'Wedding peach' and the little guide how to watch this anime.

- Invite your friends to watch this anime

- Buy some snacks beforehand

- Laugh at the funny puns

- Have fun

It's not a trashy anime, but it's also not one that can be called the ultimate classic. Nevertheless, it is mediocre and recommendable depending on the clientele. No matter what perspective you look at it from. You will always be happy watching this Japanese show.
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計算値2.42 = 48%トップリスト#9390





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