Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen - Zenhan-sen (2018)

銀魂。 銀ノ魂篇 前半戦


ここでは、 アニメ 「 Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen - Zenhan-sen 」のあらゆる種類の名言・名台詞を紹介しています。他にも面白い名言・名台詞があれば、それぞれのキャラクターのプロフィールにある入力フォームを使って自由に追加してください。
  • Gintoki SAKATA
    Gintoki SAKATA

    en You see, samurai are creatures that hibernate once they’ve eaten their fill.

    アニメ: Gintama° [エピソード 46]
  • Gintoki SAKATA
    Gintoki SAKATA

    en It’s not about how a girl looks. I treat beauties and beasties equally. My code is to seduce them for their holes.

    アニメ: Gintama° (2016)
  • Gintoki SAKATA
    Gintoki SAKATA

    en This episode had a badass ending, so why are you screwing with it now? I won’t be able to keep up my motivation ’til next week like this!

    アニメ: Gintama.
  • Gintoki SAKATA
    Gintoki SAKATA

    en It looks like this battle is neither to determine the greatest idols alive nor a public execution. I hear it’s just a battle to determine the biggest sluts alive.

    アニメ: Gintama.: Porori Hen [エピソード 10]
    マンガ: Gintama
  • Gintoki SAKATA
    Gintoki SAKATA

    en Didn’t I say earlier that if the story line affects the the original work, you better consult it first with Shuueisha, SUNRISE? I’’ll just barge into Kami-igusa and…

  • Shinpachi SHIMURA
    Shinpachi SHIMURA

    en Let it be heard across the universe, men. Who the universe’s greatest idol with the universe’s greatest fans is. Booger Diamonds 48 Fanclub, let’s go!

    アニメ: Gintama.: Porori Hen [エピソード 11]
    マンガ: Gintama
  • Kagura

    en Dear Lord, I’m supposed to be the cute heroine, but I’m always throwing up. I’m sorry (barf)

  • Kagura

    en It’s about time we made it clear why this anime’s been dragging its feet for nine years, stopping and starting all the time.

    アニメ: Gintama° [エピソード 9]
  • Kagura

    en You monster! Where’d you get this money?! The bank? The convenience store? The human trust?! I don’t remember raising you to be a monster that pays salaries!

    アニメ: Gintama° [エピソード 22]
    マンガ: Gintama
  • Kagura

    en Don’t worry. Akiba folk are just walking corpses who ironically call themselves Love Livers. Nobody cares about you.

    アニメ: Gintama. [エピソード 1]
  • Kagura

    en You can find love scattered anywhere. But those scatterbrains … I can only find here.

    アニメ: Gintama.: Porori Hen [エピソード 2]
  • Kagura

    en He keeps me at home without pay and makes me do all kinds of stuff from morning till night until I can’t stand.

    アニメ: Gintama.: Porori Hen [エピソード 10]
    マンガ: Gintama
  • Tatsuma SAKAMOTO
    Tatsuma SAKAMOTO

    en Planets are just places for people to stand on. Planets are just rocks. It takes people to make it a world. You can have as many "Earths" as you want. I only care about what’s inside.

    マンガ: Gintama
  • Toushirou HIJIKATA
    Toushirou HIJIKATA

    en For now, it’d be safer to invest the 300 million in mayonnaise. Right. I’ll just turn into a mayonnaise palace and mayonnaise pools and look after it that way. Real eastate and mayonnaise don’t fluctuate in value much. I’ll be able to return it quickly.

    アニメ: Gintama° [エピソード 8]
    マンガ: Gintama
  • Kotarou KATSURA
    Kotarou KATSURA

    en It’s not Zura, it’s Katsura.

    ja Zura ja nai, Katsura da. (ヅラじゃない、桂だ。)

    アニメ: Gintama
    マンガ: Gintama
  • Hata-ouji

    en A big Penis is enough to get you to switch sides? You guys are way too easy!

    マンガ: Gintama
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