Yesterday o Utatte (2020)




この アニメ 「 Yesterday o Utatte 」についての簡単な筋書きがあれば、多くのアニメファンやマンガファンがこの番組を見たいかどうかを決めるのに役立ちます。あなたは「 Yesterday o Utatte 」がどのような内容か知っていますか?それなら、私たちの入力フォームを使用して、ご自由に私たちのデータベースに説明を加えてください。皆様からのご投稿をお待ちしております。
Rikuo Uozumi has finished high school, but he has no ambitions nor goals for his further life. Therefore, he starts a job in a convenience store and leads a fairly uneventful life—except for the occasional visits from Haru Nonaka, a student who appears in the shop one day and is always accompanied by her pet, a raven. Rikuo’s former classmate Shinako, who had moved to a different city for a while to pursue her career as a teacher, suddenly appears one day, too. Shinako’s return upends Rikuo’s feelings, as he has a secret crush on her. With both women and other people who step into Rikuo’s life due to his job, he enters a new chapter of his life and begins to question himself and his current situation more and more.
Rikuo Uozumi hat die Hochschule abgeschlossen, aber in seinem Leben weder Ambitionen noch Zielrichtung. Er beginnt daher einen Job in einem Mischwarenladen und führt so ein eher unspektakuläres Leben – abgesehen von den gelegentlichen Besuchen der Schülerin Haru Nonaka, die eines Tages im Geschäft auftaucht und die sich stets in Begleitung ihres Haustiers, eines Raben, befindet. Auch Rikuos ehemalige Klassenkameradin Shinako, die zwischenzeitlich in eine andere Stadt umgezogen ist, um ihre Karriere als Lehrerin zu verfolgen, erscheint eines Tages im Laden. Für Rikuo stellt Shinakos Rückkehr seine Gefühlswelt auf den Kopf, denn er hegt insgeheim Gefühle für sie. Mit den beiden Frauen und weiteren Menschen, die im Rahmen seiner Arbeit in Rikuos Leben treten, wird für ihn ein neuer Lebensabschnitt angestoßen und er beginnt damit, sich und seine aktuelle Situation mehr zu hinterfragen.
Rikuo Uozumi ya finalizó el bachillerato, pero no tiene motivación ni metas. Es por eso que comienza a trabajar en una tienda de conveniencia y lleva una vida poco espectacular. Sin embargo, sí le sucede una cosa emocionante: ocasionalmente lo visita la estudiante Haru Nonaka, quien siempre va acompañada por su cuervo mascota. También aparece una vieja compañera de clase suya, Shinako, quien se había mudado a otra ciudad con el fin de volverse maestra. El regreso de Shinako pone el mundo emocional de Rikuo de cabeza, dado que tiene sentimientos secretos por ella. Ahora comienza una nueva etapa de su camino con las dos chicas y otras personas que entran a su vida gracias a su trabajo. Todo lo lleva a cuestionarse más su situación actual.
Rikuo Uozumi a obtenu son diplôme d’études secondaires, mais n’a ni ambition ni de but dans sa vie. Il commence donc à travailler dans un magasin d’articles divers et mène ainsi une vie peu spectaculaire, hormis les visites occasionnelles de l’élève Haru Nonaka, qui débarque un jour dans le magasin, toujours accompagnée d’un corbeau, son animal de compagnie. L’ancienne camarade de classe de Rikuo, Shinako, qui a depuis déménagé dans une autre ville pour poursuivre sa carrière d’enseignante, apparaît également un jour dans la boutique. Pour Rikuo, le retour de Shinako bouleverse son univers émotionnel, car il a en fait secrètement des sentiments pour elle. Avec les deux femmes et les autres personnes qui entrent dans la vie de Rikuo dans le cadre de son travail, une nouvelle phase de sa vie est lancée et il commence à s’interroger davantage sur lui-même et sur sa situation actuelle.
Rikuo Uozumi ha concluso le superiori, però non ha né ambizioni né obiettivi per la sua vita futura. Inizia un lavoro in un supermercato e conduce una vita tranquilla, a parte delle visite occasionali della studentessa Haru Nonaka, che un giorno entra nel negozio ed è sempre accompagnata dal suo animale da compagnia, un corvo. Anche la sua ex compagna di classe Shinako, che nel frattempo ha cambiato città per iniziare una carriera come insegnante, appare un giorno nel negozio. Per Rikuo il ritorno di Shinako significa mettere a soqquadro il suo mondo affettivo: nutre segretamente dei sentimenti per lei. Con le due donne e altre persone che ruotano intorno a lui, comincia per lui un nuovo tratto di vita e lo porta a mettere in dubbio la sua attuale situazione.
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画像 (60 スクリーンショット)



  • Haru NONAKA

    I racked my brains over this and that, and yet in the end, the destination I wander towards is the place my soul longs for. No matter where I run away to, I cannot forget it. The place where people are waiting for me. But I know. Rikuo is definitely not waiting. He might be relieved that I’m not there. However, by running away like this, even if it’s bitter, even if it’s lonely, it’s by letting this wound ache until it heals that I’ll be able to move forward.

  • Haru NONAKA

    I want to love someone. To be loved by someone … Even if it’s only that, why is it so difficult … As I’ve always known, that is … Being next to the person I like …

  • Haru NONAKA

    Even shooting stars land at someone’s feet. And what I’m looking at is the light from a star that’s long dead. My star’s gone out. It’s done. It’s over.

  • Haru NONAKA

    To me, he was like the stars … You can’t touch them, but they’re always there, shining. They’re not as bright as the moon, but … You always know they’re there. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still shining … just that much was enough for me.

  • Haru NONAKA

    I know what I was scared of … I was scared because I haven’t seen him … And that if I don’t see him, I get more and more anxious … And the more anxious I am, the more negative I become. And now I have a bad feeling about all this.




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アニメ 「 Yesterday o Utatte 」についての意見をコミュニティの他のメンバーと共有したいけれども、全体レビューを記載するほどの意見はないとお考えですか?その場合は、お気軽に次のボタンを使って「 Yesterday o Utatte 」のコメントスレッドを作成し、最初に自分の考えを共有してみてください。
  • 評価する
  • ブックマーク
  • お気に入り


  • 2
  • 13
  • 112
  • 276
  • 79
計算値3.65 = 73%トップリスト#1350





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