Yuukoku no Moriarty (2020)




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William James Moriarty seems to be a typical noble of the early 20th century, but looks can be deceiving: he spends his days helping the poor and lost get their will done. A saviour of the people some might say, but then again, this is but a farce—while his deeds might seem altruistic at first glace, he only thinks about his own benefits. Moriarty is one of the most genius criminal minds of his time and he has one special gift: creating the “perfect crime.”

William James Moriarty is one of the most significant antagonists in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel series “Sherlock Holmes.” He was featured directly in two books and was mentioned in another five.
William James Moriarty sieht auf den ersten Blick aus wie der typische Adelige im späten 19. Jahrhundert, doch das Auge mag täuschen: Er selbst sieht sich als eine Art Retter und Helfer derjenigen, die sich selbst nicht zu helfen wissen. Doch wer nun denkt, er handele aus reiner Nächstenliebe, der wird auch hier getäuscht – Moriarty handelt aus reinem Eigennutz, denn der junge Mann ist eines der größten kriminellen Genies seiner Zeit und sein größtes Steckenpferd ist die Inszenierung eines »perfekten Verbrechens«.

Dieser Anime lehnt sich an Sir Arthur Conan Doyles »Sherlock Holmes«-Bücher an, in denen William James Moriarty einer der bedeutendsten Antagonisten ist, der in einem Roman eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt, in einer Kurzgeschichte die Hauptrolle spielt und in weiteren fünf erwähnt wird.
William James Moriarty ressemble à première vue à un aristocrate typique de la fin du XIXe siècle, mais l’œil peut être trompeur. Il se considère comme une sorte de sauveur et d’aide pour ceux qui ne savent pas comment s’aider eux-mêmes. Mais si vous pensez qu’il agit par pure charité, vous vous trompez. Moriarty agit par pur intérêt personnel, car le jeune homme est l’un des plus grands génies criminels de son temps, et son plus grand cheval de bataille est la mise en scène d’un « crime parfait ».

Remarque :
Cet anime s’inspire des livres « Sherlock Holmes » de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, dans lesquels William James Moriarty est l’un des antagonistes les plus importants, jouant un rôle central dans un roman, un rôle principal dans une nouvelle et étant mentionné dans cinq autres.
William James Moriarty a prima vista sembra un tipico aristocratico della fine del 19° secolo, ma l’apparenza può ingannare: egli stesso si vede come una specie di salvatore e soccorritore di coloro che non sono in grado di aiutare se stessi. Però chi pensa che egli agisce per amore fraterno verrà deluso – Moriarty agisce per interesse personale. Il giovane è uno dei più grandi geni criminali del suo tempo e il suo più grande passatempo è inscenare il «delitto perfetto».

Quest’anime si appoggia sui libri di Sir Arthur Conan Doyle «Sherlock Holmes» nei quali William James Moriarty è uno dei antagonisti principali, che ha in uno dei romanzi un ruolo centrale, in uno dei racconti la parte principale e che viene menzionato in altri cinque libri di Doyle.
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画像 (60 スクリーンショット)



  • William James MORIARTY

    The system is not immediately alterable. However, there is something that we can begin to do right away. We can plunge London down into the depths of Hell, and turn it into a crime-filled city.

  • William James MORIARTY

    If one removes any trace of an incident happening, then it isn’t even recognised as being an incident.

  • William James MORIARTY

    Hell … has been deserted. All of its devils … are right here.

  • Sherlock HOLMES

    When you eliminate every other possibilty, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

  • Albert James MORIARTY

    If we get rid of the bad people, this would be an ideal country. In the eyes of god, he has been taking the path of wrong to achieve a world that is right.




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  • 2
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  • 42
  • 236
  • 152
計算値4.02 = 80%トップリスト#348





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