Aku no Hana (2009)



  • マンガ: Aku no Hana
    © 2010 Shuuzou Oshimi, Kodansha Ltd.
    • 日本語 Aku no Hana
      タイプ: マンガ
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 09.09.2009 ‑ 09.05.2014
      巻 / チャプター: 11 / 57
      出版社: Kodansha Ltd.
      漫画家: Shuuzou OSHIMI 著者 & イラストレーター
      原作: オリジナル作品
    • 英語 The Flowers of Evil
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 08.05.2012 ‑ 14.10.2014
      巻 / チャプター: 11 / 57
    • ドイツ語 Die Blumen des Bösen
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 04.11.2021 ‑ 07.07.2022
      巻 / チャプター: 5 / 57
      出版社: Manga Cult
    • 別名(シノニム): Blossom of Evil


この マンガ 「 Aku no Hana 」についての簡単な筋書きがあれば、多くのアニメファンやマンガファンがこの番組を見たいかどうかを決めるのに役立ちます。あなたは「 Aku no Hana 」がどのような内容か知っていますか?それなら、私たちの入力フォームを使用して、ご自由に私たちのデータベースに説明を加えてください。皆様からのご投稿をお待ちしております。
Takao Kasuga is a bookworm. And his favorite book right now is Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evil. While the young man may often be seen lost in thought as he rabidly consumes page after page, Takao is not much of a student. Actually when we are first introduced to the middle school teen, we find him sneaking some reading as he receives and F on a recent language exam.

Nakagawa is known as the class bully. When she is not receiving zeros she is usually muttering profanities to those around her. While she doesn’t care for books or their readers, she does have a thing for troublemakers. Takao may not be one, but having read over his shoulder a few times, she knows he is not very innocent. If anything he is bored and aware of it.

Together, by chance, they shake up their entire rural community as Takao tries to break out of his shell in a random moment of passion and affection...not directed towards Nakamura. And contrary to Takao’s predictions, the girl he was falling for, Nanako Saeki, responds by eventually accepting the bibliophile for who he is. Or at least, who she thinks he is.

And therein lies the conflict. Takao is not a hero. He is not trouble-maker, either. He is a regular teen who through equal moments of cowardice and chivalry takes a long step towards adulthood as he desperately tries to cover up a dark secret. Takao Kusuga has stolen an item precious to someone he is attracted to, and if he doesn’t form a "contract" with his new best friend, she is going to tell.
Takao Kasuga ist literaturinteressiert und liebt besonders die Gedichte von Charles Baudelaire, wie etwa dessen Werk Les Fleurs du mal. Ansonsten gehört sein Herz Nanako Saeki und als er eines Tages nach der Schule ihre Turnkleidung findet, stiehlt er diese kurzerhand. Doch schon am nächsten Tag holt ihn seine Tat ein, als seine Mitschülerin Sawa Nakamura ihm eröffnet, dass sie ihn dabei beobachtet hat und nur bereit ist zu schweigen, wenn er einen speziellen »Vertrag« mit ihr eingeht.
Texto de presentación:
Takao Kasuga es un apasionado de la literatura enamorado de la obra de Baudelaire. Un día encuentra la ropa de gimnasia de Nanako, la chica que le gusta, y casi sin darse cuenta, se la lleva. Más tarde descubre que Nakamura, una chica a la que nadie soporta, ha sido testigo de ello, y esta le impone un precio por su silencio...
Testo della bandella:
Takao Kasuga è rapito dal fascino del capolavoro di Baudelaire, I fiori del male. Un giorno, sulla scia di un impulso, fa qualcosa che non avrebbe mai dovuto. Inizia così una lenta discesa nella terra di confine tra moralità e immoralità, complice il ricatto di una compagna di classe che ha visto tutto…
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  • ブックマーク
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計算値3.81 = 76%トップリスト#445





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