Aikatsu on Parade! (2020)

アイカツオンパレード! (2020)


ここでは、 アニメ 「 Aikatsu on Parade! (2020) 」のあらゆる種類の名言・名台詞を紹介しています。他にも面白い名言・名台詞があれば、それぞれのキャラクターのプロフィールにある入力フォームを使って自由に追加してください。
  • Ichigo HOSHIMIYA
    Ichigo HOSHIMIYA

    en Then I better work hard and pull more ahead so you won’t be able to catch up.

    アニメ: Aikatsu! Idol Katsudou! [エピソード 52]
  • Ichigo HOSHIMIYA
    Ichigo HOSHIMIYA

    en I believe that there’s no such thing as a fan you can’t see!

    アニメ: Aikatsu! Idol Katsudou! [エピソード 44]
  • Ichigo HOSHIMIYA
    Ichigo HOSHIMIYA

    en Back then, I would have never imagined that I, someone like me, could become an idol!

    アニメ: Aikatsu! Idol Katsudou! [エピソード 1]
  • Akari OOZORA
    Akari OOZORA

    en I wanted to become an idol, a Starlight Queen who could bring people smiles. Even off the stage, I wanted to Aikatsu that would make everyone smile. I wanted to become an idol who could look for fun and inspiring things together with you. This all comes from how big a crybaby I was when I was younger, as well as seeing Ichigo-chan do her best for the sake of her friend. The sight of Ichigo-chan bringing a smile to her friend’s face was incredibly awesome! If, like her, I’ve become able to ease someone’s unpleasant feelings or bring them a smile, then that’s all I could ask for. I’ll work harder and harder – even if something bad happens, even harder – always doing my best!

    アニメ: Aikatsu! Idol Katsudou! [エピソード 177]
  • Akari OOZORA
    Akari OOZORA

    en The best thing about Ichigo-chan? Without a doubt, that would be … how she taught me to dream!

    アニメ: Aikatsu! Idol Katsudou! [エピソード 76]
  • 評価する
  • ブックマーク
  • お気に入り


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