Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito (2012)

コードギアス 亡国のアキト



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The side story takes place in 2017 a.t.b., around the time Lelouch took on the alter-ego “Zero” and built up his “Black Knights” rebellion army. The setting is in Europe, where the Euro Universe (E.U.) allied nations are being invaded by the overwhelming forces of the Holy Britannian Empire. On the verge of defeat, the E.U. army forms a special division known as “W-O″, of which a young pilot named Akito Hyuuga is a member. Layla Malkal , a former Britannian Aristocrat comes to the E.U.'s aid, commanding the “Wyvern” Knightmare corps comprised of Japanese teenagers. They recklessly plunge into a battlefield, where the survival rate is extremely low, at about 5% only. They fight for their freedom, and for a "home" to which they can return.
Source: ANN
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled handelt von einer Einheit von Knightframes, die 2017 eine Operation zur Rettung von in Europa festsitzenden Verbündeten starten. Sie besteht aus einer Gruppe von Jungen und Mädchen aus Area 11, die dorthin entsendet werden. Dabei liegen die Erfolgschancen dieser Unternehmung bei nur 5% und die Mission gleicht einem Selbstmordkommando …
Año 2017 a.t.b., Lelouch vi Britannia se convierte en Zero y crea en el Área 11 la Orden de los Caballeros Negros. Al mismo tiempo, y en Euro Universo (E.U.), el territorio europeo es invadido por el Sacro Imperio de Britannia. La E.U., al borde de la derrota, forma entonces una división especial llamada W-0, de la que forma parte nuestro protagonista, Akito Hyuga.

Sin embargo, la E.U. no se encuentra sola, pues ante tanta desesperación aparece Reira Malkal, una antigua aristócrata de Britannia que, liderando al destacamento Wyvern (una unidad de Knightmares pilotados por adolescentes japoneses), llega a la zona de E.U. con la intención de ayudarles.

Comenzará entonces una peligrosa misión en la que Akito y los suyos sólo tendrán un 5% de posibilidades de sobrevivir.
Notice publicitaire
10 août 2010 du calendrier impérial: le Japon est vaincu par le Saint empire de Britania et est rebaptisé “Area 11”,. Démunis de leurs droits et de leur identité nationale, les Japonais sont renommés Eleven.
An 228 du calendrier révolutionnaire, 18 floréal: sur le bord de la défaite, Europia crée une division spéciale nommée W-Zero, constituée de jeunes exilés japonais et dont le mystérieux Akito Hyûga fait partie. Plongés dans une bataille dont le taux de survie est extrêmement faible, ils se battent pour leur liberté et retrouver le pays qui les a vu naître.
Testo dell’editore italiano Dynit:
Akito Hyuga è l’unico sopravvissuto di un’operazione suicida dell’Esercito d’Europia Unita contro l’Esercito di Britannia. Il comandante Leila Markal, giovane ufficiale dell’unità wZERO che ha condotto l’operazione vittoriosa dell’esercito europeo contro le truppe Britanne, è consapevole della regola anomala e razzista che vige nelle operazioni militari del suo esercito: mandare allo sbaraglio gli ex-giapponesi (i cosiddetti Eleven) piuttosto che sacrificare cittadini europei. Questo la spinge a simpatizzare per la causa degli Eleven e ad avere un occhio di riguardo per Akito, che nomina sua scorta personale.

La ribellione non è ancora finita…!
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画像 (18 スクリーンショット)



  • C.C.

    Lying tears hurt others, lying smiles hurt one’s self.

  • C.C.

    If you had the strength, you could live. This is our contract. In return for my gift of power, you must grant one of my wishes. If you enter this contract, you will live as a human, but also as one completely different. Different rules, different time, a different life…. The power of the king will make you lonely indeed. If you are prepared for that, then….

  • C.C.

    Do you know why snow is white? Because it forgot what color it was.




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  • 11
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計算値3.62 = 72%トップリスト#1418





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