Berserk: Ougon Jidai Hen (2012)

ベルセルク 黄金時代篇



この アニメ 「 Berserk: Ougon Jidai Hen 」についての簡単な筋書きがあれば、多くのアニメファンやマンガファンがこの番組を見たいかどうかを決めるのに役立ちます。あなたは「 Berserk: Ougon Jidai Hen 」がどのような内容か知っていますか?それなら、私たちの入力フォームを使用して、ご自由に私たちのデータベースに説明を加えてください。皆様からのご投稿をお待ちしております。
He trusts no one; only his sword. He doesn’t have a place to call home. The lone mercenary Guts travels the land, where a hundred-year-old war is taking place. His ferocity and ability to take down enemies attracts the attention of Griffith, the leader of a group of mercenaries called "The Band of the Hawk" who wants to recruit Guts for his band.

As the Band of the Hawk fight together and their bond as a unit is strengthened, Griffith and Guts' bond deepens even more. Thanks to their continued success on the battlefield, Griffith achieves the first step in fulfilling his goal: his band of mercenaries becomes a full-fledged army within the Midland Kingdom. But despite all their success, Guts begins to question his reasons for fighting for Griffith’s dream. Unknown to Guts, this unyielding dream is about to bestow a horrible fate on them both.
Guts, ein unheimlich starker Schwertkämpfer und Söldner, hat wenig Struktur in seinem Leben und verbringt seine Tage mit dem Schlagen von einer Schlacht nach der anderen. Sein Leben ändert sich jedoch, als er dem charismatischen Griffith, dem Anführer einer Söldnerbande namens „Band of the Hawks“, begegnet und von ihm besiegt wird. Nachdem sich Guts Griffith freiwillig unterwirft und dessen Gruppe beitritt, beginnt die Beziehung zwischen den beiden förmlich zu erblühen. Doch die einsame Schwertkämpferin Caska, ein älteres Mitglied der Hawks, weigert sich, den Neuling zu akzeptieren. Während die beiden heldenhaften Schwertkämpfer Seite an Seite kämpfen, strebt Griffith mehr Macht an, scheinbar um seine mysteriösen und prophezeiten Ziele zu erreichen. Wie weit werden die beiden gehen, um diese zu erreichen? Wohin wird sie das Schicksal führen?
Texto de presentación:
En una época medieval oscura y violenta, inmersa en una guerra que se prolonga desde hace cien años, un mercenario destaca por encima de todos los demás por su habilidad y su ferocidad, su nombre es Guts. Durante el asedio de un castillo, Guts llama la atención de Griffith, el líder de la Banda de los Halcones, de la que se dice que jamás ha conocido la derrota en la batalla. Tras unirse de forma reluctante al grupo, Guts exhibe un valor sin precedentes para justificar la confianza de Griffith y ganarse el respeto de sus compañeros. Pero el sueño de Griffith va más allá de acumular oro y riqueza, lo que más desea en su corazón es convertirse en Rey. Guts se compromete a ayudarle a cumplir con su destino sin conocer los sacrificios que deberá realizar …
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画像 (30 スクリーンショット)



  • Guts

    I’m human the real deal, right down to the fuckin marrow’ of my bones. dont’ lump me together with you faggot-ass monsters.

  • Guts

    People bring the small flames of their wishes together …since they don’t want to extinguish the small flame…they’ll bring that small flame to a bigger fire. A big flame named Griffith. But you know… I didn’t bring a flame with me. I think I just stopped by to warm myself by the bonfire.

  • Guts

    You’re going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn’t it? I’m sure you’ll overcome this. You’ll walk again…soon.

  • Griffith

    In this world some people born are like keys that move the world and exist having no connection to the social hierarchy established by man.

  • Griffith

    It is my perception that a true friend never relies on another’s dream. A person with the potential to be my true friend must be able to find his reason for life without my help. And, he would have to put his heart and soul into protecting his dream. He would never hesitate to fight for his dream, even against me. For me, a true friend is one who stands equal on those terms.




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  • ブックマーク
  • お気に入り


  • 16
  • 31
  • 141
  • 548
  • 373
計算値3.90 = 78%トップリスト#572





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