櫛枝 実乃梨


ここでは、 キャラクター 「 Minori KUSHIEDA 」のあらゆる種類の名言・名台詞を紹介しています。他にも面白い名言・名台詞があれば、それぞれのキャラクターのプロフィールにある入力フォームを使って自由に追加してください。
  • Minori KUSHIEDA

    en Tears just mean your hearts got a nose bleed. If you run through the halls and trip, you get a nose bleed. If you go through life and trip, you cry.

    [エピソード 24]
  • Minori KUSHIEDA

    en My happiness can only be made by my own hands. My happiness doesn’t depend on anyone but me!

  • Minori KUSHIEDA

    en I don’t want to get so caught up in searching for what I can’t see, that I lose sight of what I can.

  • Minori KUSHIEDA

    en I believe in ghosts, even though I’ve never seen one before and get this. I don’t believe in anyone of the people that have said they seen one before. It’s kind of like how I think about the concept of love. Like I believe one day I’ll fall in love, get married and live happily ever after, even though I’ve never actually fallen in love with anyone yet. You see what I’m saying? For some people falling in love is like second nature, but I can’t even relate to that. So if I’ve never fallen in love before is it real? And that makes me wonder if ghosts are real. I haven’t seen one yet so maybe they’re not.

  • お気に入り




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