Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha (2007)

Darker than Black ‐黒の契約者‐


  • マンガ: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
    • 日本語 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
      Darker than Black ‐黒の契約者‐
      タイプ: マンガ
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 24.02.2007 ‑ 24.11.2007
      巻 / チャプター: 2 / 9
      出版社: Kadokawa Shoten
      漫画家: Tensai OKAMURA 著者 Nokiya イラストレーター
      原作: アニメ
      ウェブサイト: paninicomics.de
    • 英語 Darker than Black
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 15.06.2010
      巻 / チャプター: 1 / 9
      出版社: Yen Press, LLC
    • ドイツ語 Darker than Black
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 09.10.2008 ‑ 20.02.2009
      巻 / チャプター: 2 / 9
    • 別名(シノニム): Darker than Black: The Black Contractor


この マンガ 「 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha 」についての簡単な筋書きがあれば、多くのアニメファンやマンガファンがこの番組を見たいかどうかを決めるのに役立ちます。あなたは「 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha 」がどのような内容か知っていますか?それなら、私たちの入力フォームを使用して、ご自由に私たちのデータベースに説明を加えてください。皆様からのご投稿をお待ちしております。
Ten years ago, the mysterious Hell’s Gate suddenly materialized in the middle of Tokyo, and the stars of the night sky were obscured in darkness. In their place, new stars emerged, each corresponding to an individual endowed with supernatural abilities. Devoid of emotion and conscience, these powerful killers have come to be known as Contractors.

But most people know nothing of the Contractors in their midst, and high-schooler Kana Shinoh is no exception. Still struggling to pick up the pieces after her father’s death last year, Kana has never troubled herself with the rumors about Hell’s Gate. That is, until she spots her father in the street one day. Determined to prove her father is still alive, Kana begins her search, but her mission is attracting some rather dangerous attention. Fortunately, she is rescued from the clutches of death by Hei, the most wanted Contractor in Tokyo. Though he is unsympathetic to her situation, Hei agrees to protect her as she searches for her father. But just how much should she trust the Contractor known as the Black Reaper?
Vor zehn Jahren tauchte in Tokio plötzlich ein riesiges und ungewöhnliches Gebiet auf, das Hell’s Gate. Es entriss der Stadt ihren nächtlichen Sternenhimmel und führte zum Auftreten von gewissen- und charakterlosen Killern, Contractors genannt. Die Oberschülerin Kana wird in den Strudel der Ereignisse hineingerissen, als sie auf der Suche nach ihrem angeblich ermordeten Vater mit den Contractors in Berührung kommt. Hei, einer von ihnen, nimmt sich ihrer an, beschützt sie und hilft ihr, ihren angeblich toten Vater zu suchen, als sie diesen plötzlich wiedersieht. Aber tut er das nur aus reiner Nächstenliebe?
Texte du rabat :
Il y a dix ans, une source d’énergie nommée Hell’s Gate a enveloppé Tokyo. Sont alors apparus d'étranges individus appelés les contractants. Ce sont des humains qui ont renoncé à leur âme, à leurs émotions et à leur morale en échange d’un pouvoir particulier. Dans cette aventure en deux tomes qui sert de prologue à l’anime, la jeune étudiante Kana découvre que son père, qu’elle croyait mort, est bien en vie. Il est devenu un contractant et travaille pour une organisation qui s’appelle Wiegenlied. Mais les humains ne doivent jamais connaître l’existence des contractants qui n’ont aucun scrupule à éliminer toute personne susceptible de révéler leur secret. Le seul capable de venir en aide à notre héroïne est Hei, qui est à la fois un humain et un contractant. Mais si nos deux protagonistes font aventure commune, chacun poursuit son propre but.
Testo della bandella:
Improvvisamente una parte di Tokyo viene rinchiusa in un misterioso campo di forza: interi quartieri sono ora irraggiungibili e non si sa cosa sia successo alle persone che vivevano lì. Subito dopo, nel resto della città appaiono delle persone dotate di poteri paranormali che vengono chiamate "Contractor" e che non si sa cosa cerchino. Questo è il mondo dove vive Kana, una studentessa che ha perso il padre ma che è convinta che questi sia ancora vivo. Si mette a cercarlo e si imbatte in uno scontro tra Contractor, e questo cambierà la sua vita.
メインジャンル / サブジャンル / タグ




  • Hei

    If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident.

  • Hei

    Wipe that smirk off your face.

  • Chiaki SHINODA

    Are you looking at the stars…? In the middle of the city…? Even though the only stars you can see from here are fake?

  • Bertha

    Bearing the sins of the children of earth , the moon begins to consume its light.




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計算値3.08 = 62%トップリスト#3439





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