Baccano! 1931 The Grand Punk Railroad (2006)

バッカーノ! ~ 1931The Grand Punk Railroad


  • マンガ: Baccano! 1931 The Grand Punk Railroad
    • 日本語 Baccano! 1931 The Grand Punk Railroad
      バッカーノ! ~ 1931The Grand Punk Railroad
      タイプ: マンガ
      ステータス: 完結
      出版: 27.12.2006 ‑ 27.02.2008
      巻 / チャプター: 2 / 15
      漫画家: Ryougo NARITA 著者
      原作: ライトノベル


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Sei es Zufall oder Schicksal, jedenfalls versammelt sich auf der Fahrt Richtung New York ein unheilvoller Haufen aus Gaunern, Dieben und Mördern an Board der Flying Pussyfoot. Zu den blutrünstigen Haufen um Ladd Russo gesellen sich noch die Lemuren, ein Gruppe von Terroristen um Huey Laforet, Jacuzzi Splots Gang und das verrückte Duo aus Isaac Dian und Miria Harvent. Als wenn das nicht schon für genug Chaos sorgen würde, treibt auch noch der Rail Tracer zwischen den Fahrgästen sein Unwesen.
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  • Jacuzzi SPLOT

    The times when you want to cry are when you have to try your hardest. That’s why I decided I’ll cry in general. Then, when I have to shed tears for a time when I really want to cry, my tears would have run dry.

  • Isaac DIAN

    A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?

  • Claire STANFIELD

    This world is mine. I think this world may even just be a long, long dream I’m watching. You guys may just be illusions, and it can’t be proven whether or not you really exist either. In other words, this world was created with me at the center. So what will happen if I die? I don’t know. My imagination isn’t very creative; I just can’t imagine myself dying. In other words, there is no way this world can completely disappear. But if I die, then everyone will disappear. I am the only one in this world who won’t disappear. The rest are just people I see as if in a dream.

  • Ladd RUSSO

    Thank you! Fuck you! The villain has arrived!

  • Ladd RUSSO

    Depending on your request, whether I will laugh or get angry, that will decide your lifespan, boy.




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